Tuesday, August 10, 2010

4 Months

Ahh Gavin. Where did you come from? God dropped you into our lives straight from heaven. Sounds cheesy, but completely how your daddy and I feel. You are SUCH an angel. You are constantly, constantly happy and smiling. I'm not talking about a normal, cordial smile. I'm talking about a wide open mouth smile, almost a laugh. You look excited most of the time! (Nana says you get that from me, btw. :))

It is such a joy to be your Mommy. I love seeing your smiling face first thing in the morning, all day long and last thing before I go to sleep. I love that you're so quick to smile, not only at me, but at everyone. Everyone you meet, loves you. I love looking at you while you nurse. You look back at me and smile even while you're nursing. It melts me. You're so easy to love.

You laugh when I kiss in between your neck and your cheek. You laugh at Evan and study him all the time. You reach your little hands up to touch my face. You're grasping at toys. You love linkadoos (little round rings you can hold and bite on). You "talk" back to me with "ahh's" and "ga's". You blow bubbles with your lips. You roll over in both directions. You are 16 lbs. !!! You got 3 shots today and it was the worst day ever for both of us. :( :( :( Nothing makes me sadder than to see you cry like that. You are so happy that it's painful when you actually cry. You think baths are alright, but could do without them. ;) You loooove getting your diaper changed. lol You don't really care for baby food at this point. You sleep so perfectly in your baby swing. You sleep from 8 pm to 6 am. You don't like pacifiers. You have always been strong when it comes to holding your head up. You have great control of your head and neck and can stay on your belly for long periods, just looking around at everything. You only cry a little bit if you're hungry, sleepy or have a blow-out diaper. You love when I kiss your belly. You're surprisingly ticklish!

Your big brother can't wait for you to play with him. He brings you his Matchbox cars and wants you to play. He always wants you to sit beside him on the couch and watch Mickey with him. You always oblige. :) Actually, you're pretty fond of Mickey Mouse yourself. He brings you toys to play with and even asks to hold you ever so often. Although I did catch him pulling you across the floor by your legs the other day. And he always tries to lay on top of you and give you hugs. Oh and I can't forget to mention how much he loves your feet. He WON'T leave them alone. Every chance he gets, he's playing with them, putting them on his face, etc. I'll talk to him about that. ;)

You are so, so, SO loved. I didn't know I could be this in love with a baby. You make my world so happy. I don't want you to get a second older. I love having you as my baby. I soak you up. I just inhale you over and over again every time I hold you. There's no love that compares to a mother's love for her baby. You're my proof. You will laugh at this one day and make fun of me and you'll probably never understand just how much I love you. But let this be the start of me trying to tell you with words.

Forever your Mommy. xoxoxoxo