Friday, May 21, 2010

Gavin stats

Born: April 1, 2010 at 1:16 pm
Weighed: 7 lbs. 9.9 oz
Length: 18.5 inches

Pushed 5 times, great APGAR scores. I got to look down and actually see him come out...I'll never forget that moment.

Looked at me and smiled at 10 days old.
Smiled consistantly at 5-6 weeks old.
Laughed out loud at 6.5 weeks old.
Started sleeping in 5 hour stretches consistantly (often longer) at 5-6 weeks.
Started holding his head up for many seconds at 5 weeks old. Has great control of his head and eye focus.
Started sucking on his hands at 7 weeks.
Only cries when sleepy, hungry or dirty diaper.

Major differences from Evan:
Doesn't take a paci.
Doesn't like bottles.
Sleeps on tummy ALL the time, hates laying on his back.
Loves watching Evan....his eyes follow Evan whenever he's near.