Well, my intuition was dead wrong. I'm having a boy! I was SURE this baby was a girl because of the entirely different pregnancy (sickness, carrying different, etc). But I am not the least bit disappointed. In fact, I was preparing myself to be a little disappointed if it was a girl because I really wanted Evan to have a brother. If I'd had a girl first, I would have wanted her to have a sister. We are elated that we'll have two little boys chumming around together.
The only thing that's giving us grief is finding a name for him! Oh man, it's hard this time. Steve is set on a particular family name and I am set on another name. Tonight I told him we're both going to have to give up the names we want and find a compromise. Those discussions always end in silence and the TV comes back on. lol I reallllly want to pick a name for him soon so I can start "bonding" with him in my own way. I called Evan "Evan" for months before he was born and I really liked that. I felt like I knew him in some weird way because I'd called him by name so many times. Hopefully we'll agree on a name soon.
Baby Boo is moving around lots now. Steve felt him for the first time about a week ago. I think the sweetest thing on earth has to be feeling your baby move inside your womb. I describe it to Steve as little, tender thumps. It's truly precious.
I broke/cracked my rib last week by coughing too much/long/hard. Who knew that was even possible?? I'd had a sore throat and cough for a week and a half and it got bad the night before Thanksgiving (go figure..right before all the doctor's offices close for 4 days). Coughing brought me to tears several times due to my rib. I didn't know it was cracked, but knew something was really wrong. My doctor's office confirmed it when Monday finally rolled around, but since then it's gotten lots better. It's still very sore and tender, but I don't whince in pain every few minutes.
I note this only because the weirdest things happen to me during pregnancy. Since this blog will go in the baby's book, I have to remind myself of all these weird things! When I was pregnant with Evan, I got some pinched nerve and literally could not sit or bend. I had to stand or lay. After going to the hospital and getting an awful shot where the effects lasted over a year due to her clipping a nerve when she gave it to me, I managed to regain the ability to sit the next day, but not after a painful, exhausting experience. Seriously...who does this stuff happen to???
I'm really praying for the rest of this pregnancy to be healthy as well as an easy delivery and healthy baby! So far our little guy is perfectly healthy, right on track. Despite my pregnancy woes, that's all that really matters.